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Welcome to JavaScript Air

Use a mock data API with Flight Data to create an airport flight dashboard.

Must Haves

  • Create a new folder, initialize a git repository
  • Create an index.html file (remember the shortcut to generate the boilerplate)
  • Create a scripts or js folder and add your JavaScript file (i.e. a file named scripts.js, main.js, or index.js)
  • Create a styles or css folder and add your Stylesheet (i.e. a file named styles.css, or index.css)
  • [OPTIONAL] Use a CSS framework for added styling (i.e. Bulma or Tailwind)

Choose Your Own Adventure

  • Use async/await or fetch().then().then() (or both?)?
  • Use arrow syntax, or function keyword syntax?
  • Build the entire DOM in JavaScript (i.e. createElement())?
  • Lay out elements with IDs in the HTML (i.e. querySelector())?

JavaScript Airlines

Level 1

  • Use the following API endpoint:
  • Accept user input via a form that recieves any of the following flight plan data:
    • Airline
      Delta, American, or United
    • Flight Number
      • There are 200 flights total
      • First flight number is 115, the last is 9978
    • Airport (Airport abbreviation available here)
    • Departure/Arrival Dates
      For ease, these are strings in the following format: 2/8/2024 or 12/10/2023
    • Departure/Arrival Times
      For ease, these are strings in the following format: 10:24 PM
  • Search for plan that matches the request data.
  • Return that flight's information.
  • Clear the form after returning data

The response from the Mock Flight Plan API will look like this:

"flight_number": 8423,
"departure_airport": "MUK",
"arrival_airport": "JAA",
"departure_date": "2/13/2022",
"arrival_date": "12/2/2022",
"departure_time": "10:24 PM",
"arrival_time": "2:57 AM",
"passenger_count": 218,
"airline": "Delta",
"flight_duration": 9.46

Level 2

  • Generate an Arrival or Departure information board
Adobe Stock Image: Airport Information
Use this board as a guide

Level 9000

  • Cache the data in localStorage.
  • Generate both Arrival and Departure board
  • Have the boards switch periodically, like they do in an airport

The Intro to Promises lesson will be helpful to understand caching in localStorage.

Look into CSS Animation, like this Codepen demo, to find options for switching the boards.

Associated Lessons

Lesson Topic
📝AJAX 101: Fetch
📝The DOM
📝HTML Forms
📝Intro to Promises