React - OMDB Movie Review App
You've done this before in HTML/CSS/JS, now it's time to try it in React!
Use the OMDB API find and review movies!
- Accept user input via a form that recieves a movie title.
- Search for that movie via the OMDB API:[some movie title]&apikey=[your api key]
- Return that movies's information.
- Movie poster
- Movie title
- Release year
- Plot description
- Ratings
- Allow a user to list multiple movies
- Render the movie information using "card" layout
Look here for an example - Append new movie cards with each search.
Level 1
- Load the lookup form in its own component
- Clear the form's state after each search
- Pass the movie information into its own component via
- Load the movie information component inside the form component
- Load the form component in
Level 2
- Create a second form to submit your own review for each movie
- Have your review display below the ratings returned from OMDB
- You probably want to have the form appear in each movie's card component
- You'll save your reviews in the
for each card
Level 9000
- Try to use React's Context API to globally store the movie and review information
- Can you have a single form to submit any review, but make sure that the review shows up with the correct movie? 🤔